DellaValle Management INC

Request a Bid

Start Your FREE bid Now:

Bid requests may be submitted via phone, email, or Facebook Messenger.

Call Us: (859) 273-6000

Our operating hours are

Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:00pm

Send an Email

We will get back to you as soon as possilbe.

Expect a response within one business day. 

How do bids work?

Because every property is unique, DMi personalizes each bid proposal to suit the specific needs of your project. In order provide the most accurate pricing and timeline for your bid, we’ll arrange an initial site visit to the location of your project. While some companies charge for this visit, DMi firmly believes in earning your business, which is why our initial site visit is always free of charge. Here’s what to expect from the bidding process:

1. Inquire

 You’ll first submit an inquiry by phone, email, or Facebook Messenger providing your contact information, and a brief description of your project. 

2. Free Initial Site Visit

 Our maintenance specialists will contact you to arrange an initial site visit to your property. This visit allows us to evaluate the scope of work, and develop an accurate bid proposal.

3. Bid Proposal

 Once we’ve gained a full understanding of your needs, we’ll provide a bid proposal for your project within 24 to 48 hours. 

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